Ready-made companiesfor sale

Established companies without any business history
for the immediate start of your business. Processing from anywhere online.
Start your business today!

Ready made companies for sale

Offered companieswith headquarters in Prague, Brno and Ostrava

Our services are the most favorable on the market due to the ratio of quality to price. In the event that you receive a qualitatively comparable and more advantageous offer, we are ready to match it with our offer!

Basic capital:
Entry in the CR:
Name:Price from:Basic capital:Entry in the CR:IDHQ:State:More
#CodeSmart s.r.o.
9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 179Brno
For sale


#EnvisionAI s.r.o.
9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 187Brno
For sale


#NightInnovate s.r.o.
9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 195Ostrava
For sale


11,900 CZK200,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 101Brno
For sale


9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 136Prague 1
For sale


9,900 CZK10,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 144Prague 1


9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 152Prague 1
For sale


Vibrant Concepts s.r.o.
11,900 CZK200,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 110Brno
For sale


Warm Dinner s.r.o.
9,900 CZK1,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 161Prague 1
For sale


WorldOfNumbers s.r.o.
11,900 CZK200,000 CZK11.9.2024220 37 128Prague 1
For sale


SD Málek transport s.r.o.
0 CZK200,000 CZK10.9.2024220 29 281Brno


11,900 CZK200,000 CZK5.9.2024220 08 098Prague 2
For sale


Elite Ventures s.r.o.
9,900 CZK1,000 CZK5.9.2024220 09 515Prague 2
For sale


Empower Solutions s.r.o.
11,900 CZK200,000 CZK5.9.2024220 08 110Prague 2
For sale


11,900 CZK200,000 CZK5.9.2024220 07 750Brno
For sale


Ready-made companies for sale

5 reasons to buy a

ready-made company

Time savings

You can negotiate for a company with the ALL Inclusive service in just 24 hours.

You do not contribute any share capital

The company's share capital has already been paid.

The company is already registered in the commercial register

All the documentation regarding the company is already done and taken care of.

Contracts can be signed at all our addresses or online

You can place your order in our office or from your favorite chair with just a computer and an email inbox.

Unique service ALL INCLUSIVE READY-MADE company

Choose your own company name, number of executives and partners
and company headquarters. Express registration in the Commercial Register
within 24 hours! More information

ALL INCLUSIVE READY-MADE service of the company

Change what you need+ express registration within 24 hours


  • company name: given in the commercial register
  • number of partners: 1
  • number of executives: 1
  • headquarters: Prague 1, Prague 2, Brno or Ostrava
  • a company already registered in the commercial register


9 900 CZK

All inclusiveready-made company

  • Company Name: as required
  • number of partners: as required
  • number of executives: as required
  • headquarters: as required
  • express registration in the commercial register


14 900 CZK

Express registration in the commercial register is faster than you might expect

Ready-made companies for sale

The largest seller of ready-made  companies in 2015-2023

Sold companies in 2021
Sold companies in 2022
0 +
Sold companies in 2023
Ready-made companies for sale

Sales of ready-made companies include:

Transfer of 100% of the company's business share.

Preparation of contracts on the transfer of business share.

Decision on the appointment of a new executive.

Extract from the commercial register for recording changes.

Notary fees (verification of signatures on documents).

Representation before the Municipal Court - commercial register.

Proposal for registration of changes in the commercial register,
including stamps.

Settlement of free trades at the trade office.

Certificate with a guarantee of no debt.

Fully paid share capital.

Additional services
Bonded or craft trade (including administration fee). Individual price for multiple pieces.
2500 CZK / pc without VAT
Concession Sales of fermented alcohol, drinking alcohol and spirits (including administrative fee)
2000 CZK/ pc without VAT
Other concessions (including administrative fee). Individual price for multiple pieces.
5500 CZK / pc without VAT
Ready-made with a silent companion*
2000 CZK without VAT
Provision of company headquarters in Prague, Brno or Ostrava from
199 CZK without VAT / month
Preparation of documents for the commercial register when changing the registered office (with or without using the registered office at our address)
500 CZK without VAT
Creation of new certified documents for the registered office in case of loss or change (consent to the registered office, power of attorney)
150 CZK / pc without VAT
Document conversion
60 CZK without VAT / page
Administrative fee associated with overpayment (duplicate or erroneous payment)
500 CZK / pc without VAT
Administrative fee for repeated editing of a set of documents for sale Ready made s.r.o.
500 CZK without VAT

*The silent partnership can be concluded for a fixed or indefinite period, the share of the silent partner can be set at a uniform amount for the entire duration of the silent partnership or it can be set at a different amount for each year. However, its amount must always be agreed in advance. It is also not possible to enter into a silent partnership with the fact that as a share of the profit belongs to him a certain minimum amount with a possible bonus for high profit. A partner’s share must always be a share. The price is for the preparation of documentation for a specific client (who may not be present at the meeting) and complete advice on this matter.  More information here.

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