

Revolutionary All-Inclusive Ready-Made LLC with express registration in the commercial register within 24 hours!

Only with us can you get the exclusive ALL INCLUSIVE ready-made LLC service with express registration in the commercial register within 24 hours!

What does ready-made LLC mean?

A classic ready-made LLC is a company that has already been established and has set parameters that cannot be changed:

The company is registered in the commercial register.
The name is given and already registered in the commercial register.
The basic capital in CZK is fully paid up to the date of registration.
Number of partners: 1
Number of executives: 1
Scope of business: free trades
Registered office at one of our addresses in Prague 1, Prague 2, Brno, and Ostrava, which can be moved to another address but only within the municipality.

You can purchase it for a price starting at CZK 9,900 without VAT (the price is final as VAT is not charged by law). The advantage of buying such a company is undoubtedly the price and speed, as the sale of the LLC takes only an hour. However, registration in the commercial register takes approximately 5-10 days, and you cannot choose how your company will look.

Co to znamená ALL INCLUSIVE ready-made s.r.o.?

To allow you to choose how your ready-made company will look, we have prepared the All INCLUSIVE ready-made LLC service for you, starting at CZK 14,900 without VAT. You determine the company’s parameters – you choose your own company name, the number of executives and partners, the company’s registered office, etc. Moreover, you can start operating your company immediately because the package includes an express registration service in the commercial register within 24 hours.

What is included in the ALL INCLUSIVE ready-made LLC package?

Any changes in the company structure, such as the company name, moving the registered office to another municipality, the number of executives and partners, change in the scope of business
Fully paid basic capital
Certificate of debt-free guarantee
Transfer of 100% company shares
Preparation of share transfer agreements
Handling of free trades at the trade office
Decision on the appointment of a new executive
Extract from the commercial register for registration of changes
Notary fees for drafting the notarial deed, including signature verification on documents
Representation before the commercial register
Proposal for the registration of changes in the commercial register
Express registration of changes in the commercial register within 24 hours

You can purchase ALL INCLUSIVE ready-made LLC in person at our branches or online. A personal meeting takes approximately one hour. How does it work online?

Fill in the details of your new company in the online form.
If you are changing the company name, we will pass the requested name to the notary for verification.
We will prepare the documentation and send it to you by email along with payment details for signing. We guarantee the accuracy of the documents.
Send us the signed and verified documents back by mail.
Upon receipt of the documents and payment, we will complete all paperwork and pass it to the notary for registration in the commercial register.
The notary will register all changes in the commercial register with an express entry within 24 hours.
We will inform you of the registration of changes in the commercial register by email and data box, including an extract from the commercial register.

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Founding the Company

In cooperation with a notary office, we offer not only the sale of ready-made companies but also assistance and support in establishing new companies. If you don’t know how to establish a limited liability company (s.r.o.) on your own and are afraid of your proposal being rejected by the registry court, or if you have already submitted such a proposal and it was rejected or denied by the court, use our services. This way, you can avoid complications when submitting your proposals and have your company registered relatively quickly!

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